It is improbable that you haven’t heard about DSL. Ever since broadband internet became popular, DSL has become a commonly used phrase in the cyber world. If you have an internet connection at home, it is likely that you have subscribed to a package from one of the many DSL providers. The fact of the matter is that for the average user, knowing or not knowing the concept of DSL doesn’t matter. As long as you have reliable internet connectivity, does it matter to you that it is called DSL or anything else. However, for a non-technical, business person, knowing the concept of DSL is important. There are several business solutions on offer through DSL. If they don’t know the extent to which their business would benefit from it, they are going to be apprehensive about using it.
The Concept of DSL
Firstly, you have to understand what DSL is. DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. Not many people apart from those working in the industry know what it stands for. Even if they know, they seldom use the full form. You will never hear a friend or a family member say Digital Subscriber Line. For them, it is DSL and that’s the way they like it.
Digital Subscriber Line is exactly what the name implies. Using digital technology, the internet connection services are provided to each person who subscribes to it. The internet is provided through the telephone wires within a local network. Using the same telephone line, DSL technology delivers internet connectivity. A filter is installed in the subscriber’s home through which he/she is able to use the phone and the internet simultaneously. The filter removes any interference one medium might have into the other. By clearing the interference, you are able to enjoy the benefits of having a telephone and internet connection at the same time.
There are many DSL providers in the market. You will find a wide range of options to choose from. Usually, customers have a hard time choosing the right one for themselves. There are so many choices that it is easy to get confused. DSL connections have different speeds on offer. The speed of the connection determines how easy it is for you to use the internet. Generally, consumers demand high speed so that they can save time.
There are various factors that affect the speed of the internet connection you have. Keep in mind that the speed is measured at the rate which you are receiving internet in your home. The factors that influence speed are:
- The technology being used. There are different DSL technologies available to DSL providers at present. The most commonly used one is Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). The technologies are constantly developed and upgraded to ensure customer satisfaction
- The conditions of the line being used. The telephone lines in some regions are not of a high quality. There are problems with relaying signals over long distances. This results in the internet speed not being up to the mark. In places where the telephone lines are of a good standard, the internet speed is going to be high.
- The service offered by the DSL providers. Not all of them are equal which is why you have to choose the right one. The more reputable a DSL provider is, the better its service will be. Service is directly related to the speed you receive at home, so choose wisely.
The Different DSL Technologies
The two most commonly used DSL technologies are known as Asymmetric and Symmetric DSL. Here is an overview of these two:
Asymmetric DSL
The ADSL offers better speed and quality of connection than any other DSL technology. This is because the speed of the data directed towards the customer is the highest. The transmission of data downstream to the computer is higher than upstream from the computer. This is the main reason why ADSL is the most commonly used DSL technology and a majority of the DSL providers use this.
Symmetric DSL
Symmetric DSL is different from ADSL in the sense that the speeds of the data transfer downstream and upstream are uniform. As a result, the user experiences a slower internet speed than he/she would if ADSL technology was being used. SDSL is used sparingly because of this reason.
This is how the concept of DSL can be explained to a non-technical person. As you can see, the system is simple and there are not many complications.